
The Cunning Plan……

When living in Northants we liked the idea of a longer sailing trip. Here we are, 2023, newly retired, living in Cornwall and planning to sail around the UK anticlockwise so that we finish in our favourite Isles of Scilly. We will leave our home in Falmouth and head along the English channel east towards Ramsgate. If the winds and tides look favourable we shall then head up the East coast towards Inverness. We plan to travel along the Caledonian canal and then visit some Western Scottish Islands. We plan to then head towards Belfast then the Isle of Man. We will continue heading south along the Welsh coast to Milford Haven. We will avoid Ireland because of the mess caused by b****y Brexit. There will be a long hop to Scilly then back home . 

A big map of the UK and lots of sticky notes helped us develop ideas. We anticipate the entire trip will take about 3 months.

We have been reading books by other sailors who have circumnavigated the UK. Most were quite grim and off putting, we are hoping we will be luckier with winds and weather.

We gathered together a variety of reference material. Pilot books for areas of UK, Electronic and paper charts and general UK travel guides.

1 thought on “Planning”

  1. Well earned retirement you two The Sea will look after you as you both respect it Good Luck A por ello

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