More fun afloat

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Captiva 14th October 2023

Once out of the water Richard worked hard to prepare Captiva for 2024. He added a new cockpit canopy which looks really cosy.

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A sheltered spot for a coffee once Captiva was back afloat 6th March

We managed to spend some time on the water during the winter months rowing and training for the International Gig Rowing Championships. We rowed in all weathers around the Fal estuary.

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Evening training row 12th March

Our first race of the season (and Sue’s first ever race) was 24th March at the Helford Mini Scillies. The conditions were quite difficult but it was a great experience.

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Richard rowing with the B team (Gigrower Magazine)
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Richard with the Mens Masters, he did two races!
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Sue with the ladies supervets B team, this picture was on the cover of the parish magazine : )

Have been fortunate to have done other exciting things since our last post but am focusing here on adventures of a splishy splashy nature.

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